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Woodlands, Singapore
Real Estate Sales (Private property Sales) Roy Teng 9229-6411

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I love and hate money....

i love money because it pays for everything....car, food, beer....bills too, and it the driving force behind why i wake up at 6am in the morning and also the reason why i push myself to work 7 days a week, public holiday included..... its a necessity... it's everything.

but...i hate it too, i hate why we work our ass off sometimes for it.....i hate it when you have little of it and you need to borrow some to get through a rough patch that you realize money..... ...wonderful money.... makes you friend-less.... those that stick around avoid talking about money like the plague....the moment you talk about money....the conversation end ,they quickly scan the horizon for someone to rescue them, the so call "brothers" "kaki" "best friend" all scatters...

i will work it out......i will prevail.... for yall so call friends.....fuck you.
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